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I can tell you what a Girl's Dad is... because I've seen it

I had a lot to say/blog about before I started my blog, but as mentioned before, I get inspiration and come up with topics simply from the smallest thing I see while scrolling social media. Today, the first post of the day was from a woman challenging fathers to show even a "snippet" of what being a real father is because to her, it seemed like the concept was just a trend for the moment. I can't get into a man's head and tell you exactly what it's like, but I can tell you what it looks like because I see it every single day.

Being a girl’s dad is waking up at 5:30 in the morning and pissing two "not a morning person" toddlers off because you're waking them out of their sleep to get them dressed before everyone goes off to work. It's taking a minute (literally one minute) to go to the bathroom and within seconds, having a little girl bang on the door and yell your name like you owe her rent money. It's having to pass on time with the guys and other testosterone-filled activities sometimes because you have two little girls who have barely seen you all week because of work and then coaching after work, and therefore do not get to spend much quality time with them during the week. It's not always being able to cuddle with your woman because there's a little girl smack dab in the middle of the two of you. It's having a little girl move her mom away from you as she tries to comb your hair because she's jealous and doesn't want anyone touching her dad. It's playing basketball in the driveway with people who are barely even big enough to hold the basketball because they absolutely HAVE to be outside with you instead of playing in their own bedrooms. It's fake-eating play food. It's putting your hoop dreams to the side because you refuse to have your newborn in a completely different country as you. It's wiping snotty noses, changing dirty diapers, and giving baths. It's making the baby carrier apart of your wardrobe. It's acting like a paparazzi or photographer every time your daughter does something cute or dresses up as Cinderella. It's buying your daughter a play kitchen before buying the new Jordan 1's. It's entering your house and KNOWING that when that alarm goes off, your daughter(s) will be running full-speed to get to you and jump in your arms in 3..2...1. It's taking off work. It's risking write-ups at work because you didn't like the vibe you got from the new babysitter, so you left work to go pop up on her. It's carrying the world on your shoulders, but still having to hold both of their hands. It's trying to play the game with one baby in your lap and the other one choking your neck. It's remixing the "patty cake" song. It's sometimes going to the Children's Museum more than going on a date. It's having to hurry up and kiss your wife/girlfriend before your daughter catches you and gets mad. It's not just providing; it's also being PRESENT. It's saying "I'm sorry baby" after your daughter says "don't say that" because you let a little curse word slip. It's having a social media page filled with the ladies in your house, with only a few photos of you sprinkled here and there. It's getting to know Moana, Princess Tiana, Cinderella, Barbie and Spirit. It's being surrounded with even more girls because of course, your daughter's friends come over, and...they're girls. It's your best friends walking into the house and speaking to your daughters before speaking to you even though they haven't seen you in awhile. It's always being the one to carry the kid or kids because, since you're around, the mom forgets her arms also work (lol). It's sometimes being dad before everything else. It's saying "Daddy love you every single night" after putting them to bed. It's simply loving your daughter unconditionally, and love... is an action word.

I really wish my husband could've answered the question himself (although he couldn't care less about outside perception), but I felt so compelled to shine a light and share what I've personally witnessed. Being a father to a little girl is much more than social media photos could ever convey, and it for certain is not a trend or wave to some. I know that for my husband, becoming a father to a little girl has been cool since the day he first heard about her.

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Feb 04, 2020

I’m not crying 😢, I was cutting an onion😭😍😍😍I just love y’all 💙


Feb 01, 2020

Great read, you go girl :)


Feb 01, 2020

Thank you, Daisy! I appreciate you as always 💜


Feb 01, 2020

Absolutely all of this! Love it! 🖤 You have a beautiful family.

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