A year ago today, the ladies in my life all came together to celebrate me becoming Mrs. Shardanna Stiggers. One thing women often inquire about/want to know is what were things like between the two of us before saying “I do.” As always, I have no problem providing insight and sharing some of my experiences along the way. This week I will post a blog entry each day discussing any and everything I can think of... starting with why I was mad at my husband the day he purchased my engagement ring.
So here is a little secret that only my closest friends know: five days before Jherrod proposed, I was giving him the side-eye because he was acting sketchy! October 15 is his birthday, and in 2018, that day fell on a Monday. Because of his coaching schedule at work, we celebrated his birthday the Sunday before. Being the amaaaazing fiancee that I was, however, I secretly took a half-day from work and drove to his job to decorate his car. I figured I'd put balloons and signs on it--you know, something that would make him smile when he walked outside--but... his car was not there. I asked him where he was, and he said he was walking to the gym to coach his players. I followed up with "walking where exactly?" "Why? Are you following me?," was his response. I informed him that I was outside (in the rain, mind you) to do something nice for him, and that I did not see his car. His response came 30 minutes later, and all he said was "wya?" After sending him the side-eye emoji, he responded "I'm sorry, I'm doing something." FIRST OF ALL, I tell you I'm standing in the rain to decorate your funky little car, and your response is you're doing something?! SECONDLY, we don't do anything that the other person doesn't know about (unless we are planning surprises like we BOTH ended up doing that day lol) sooo I need an explanation. Long story short, he never explained to me where his car was. I drove home in the rain, and the weather was appropriate for how I was feeling inside at the moment. I made a grocery store run and even went a dentist appointment, and by the time I got home, he still wasn't there! Because I knew my fiance and I know the devil is busy (lol), I decided to push any and all negative thoughts out of my head and end the night on a good note. At that time, I was over seven months pregnant, my belly looked like a butterball turkey, but I still saw fit to make it a night to remember by wearing some fiery-red lingerie with the lipstick and liner to match. After I made myself irresistible, I awaited his arrival. After an hour had passed and he still had not returned, I ripped the lingerie off, washed the makeup off of my face, and put on some sweatpants. I had even called his mom and told her I was feeling some type of way and hoped to get some type of answers from her. When he finally entered the house, he had the biggest smile on his face and lots of bags in his hand. He even had a small gift for me. He'd been at the mall the entire time. Needless to say, I still did not give an F. Birthday or not, to me, he had some 'splaining to do! But since it was his day, and his mom was basically like "girl, you know you have nothing to worry about!," I decided to let it all slide. However, there was no kissing or hugging or cuddling. He tried to talk to me, but I gave him the cold shoulder. After all, "that's better than me going off on him!," I thought to myself. That night, his birthday, I slept with my back to him.... not knowing that a few hours before, he had driven out to Manvel, TX to buy me an engagement ring.
how do you give them the cold shoulder without giving in
@daisy 😂😂😂😂 Forreal Lmaooooo
I knew you were upset when you said “funky little car” 🤣🤣🤣 that would be me lol