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A message to women....

Heeellllloooo ladies! This week's post is going to be short, sweet, and a little different from the others. While scrolling online one day, I realized a lot of women use memes to communicate to their partners... ON SOCIAL MEDIA. It's as if they did so in hopes that their partner would notice and change as a result. Or start treating them better. Or felt bad and decided to get their act together or become the man their woman wanted to be just with the snap of the fingers (or the post of a meme, I guess I should say).

I've even seen the meme "having an attractive partner is not for the weak" repeatedly shared, and I scream a little on the inside each time. No, sis! Let’s not normalize having added anxiety just because your partner is good looking. I wish you knew that his looks should have nothing to do with anything because despite how he looks, he should still treat you with respect, block advances, respond appropriately to inappropriate advances, etc.

Now some will say it's not for him, or that it wasn't meant to get his attention. And that's perfectly fine! It got my attention, however. SO. I figured I'd share a little somethin' somethin' by one of my faves: Ms. Reyna Biddy. In short, all I am trying to say is YOU DESERVE.

Written with love,

S. S.

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