I haven't been to work in two and a half months. I usually spend more time at work than I do at home, but due to the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing, I had a little more time on my hands. Well, I decided to make use of my time in several ways. One way that I decided to take advantage of the time I had was by using it to become a healthier me! After all, one of the reasons (excuses) I used to give about why I could not do so is because work got in the way. After the announcement was made that we would not be returning to work, something in my head said "OK, NOW what's your excuse?" Obviously I no longer had one, so I decided to hit the ground running--literally--and use the time to reach some of my health and fitness goals.
After miscarrying in November, the weight that I had gained stuck to me and refused to leave. Before that, when I returned to work in August 2019, I could no longer walk up the stairs on campus without feeling winded and out of breath. After getting married in July, I stopped running and working altogether which is crazy because I worked out multiple days a week for almost a year prior to the wedding. All of these were no-nos for me. They were things that I wasn't pleased about. Now that I had been given the gift of time, I decided to get back to a healthier me, for me, but oddly, I was met with negativity at different stages. I would hear comments that were said in jest, but I felt were meant to bring me down. I was called insecure, told not to "lose too much" (or else I'd look funny) and so on. I was told to "be happy" to not have a big stomach or not have stretch marks after having two kids. So this podcast is to address alllll of that so 1. None of those people will feel the need to waste their breath again because the comments are going in one ear and out the other. 2. So my ladies will understand why I'm going so hard in my pursuits and get an understanding as to why it's so important to me, and 3. So that women will refrain from being negative or bringing other women down for trying to get better, and 4. So that even one person will feel motivated to do the same. Because I had tooooo much to say, I decided another podcast would be befitting to get it all out! Take a listen and tell me what you think, and rememeber, getting healthy or fit is about you and you only! Do it your way and however makes you happy whether it's yoga, dancing, gardening, running, hooping, etc. Do you, for you. LINK BELOW:
Written with love, S.S.